
Maria is a 2nd-year garden madrina here at CUGM. Ever since her daughter, Lilah, was about 3 years old she wanted to grow strawberries. Maria didn't have any knowledge of gardening or weeding and had trouble keeping my indoor plants alive. Finally, she decided to just TRY. Her mom started taking all of her children to Cadillac Urban Gardens as well as Holy Redeemer Grade school where they would take her daughter Lilah on field trips and finally decided to join them in coming to the garden! Maria enjoys being at CUGM because her kids have fun planting the seeds and taking the produce home once ripe. Maria is a first-time gardener & hopes to learn so much as a Madrina alongside her community. Maria looks forward to absorbing tips & tricks from the other great Madrinas & Leaders at Cadillac Urban Gardens!


Dolores Sarasin


Nancy Borrego